Decentroge is a decentralise storage online Platforms with NFT and Chatting capabilities.Users can store their data on IPFS or Web3 Storage. Users can access files directly through web browser without using any third party software.
Decentroge is a decentralise storage online Platforms with NFT and Chatting capabilities.Users can store their data on IPFS or Web3 Storage. Users can access files directly through web browser without using any third party software.
It has been implemented in order to reduce the dependency on centralized services like Dropbox and Google Drive where users are dependent on a single point of failure. It will give you complete control over your data, right from its inception. Features:
Storage: You have the freedom to choose whether to store your data on IPFS or Web3 Storage
File manager: Directly browse your files from your dashboard
Sharing: Easily share files with friends and family.
NFT Token: Mint NFTs directly from the files uploaded on decentroge
Chat: Send messages on Decentroge.
This project was built using
Solidity: as Main Coding Language for writing smart contract
ReactJs: as Main Coding Language for Creating The UI components (Front End)
TailwindCss: as Main Coding Language for styling UI components
IPFS: For Storing of files
Web3 Storage: For Storing of files
Moralis: as Tool for creating the chat section
Github : For Repo Storage and source code management
Git : For Version Control System