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Decentralized Memes

Decentralized Random Meme Generator while leveraging Ethereum blockchain for storing data, managing tokens, and interacting with smart contracts.

Decentralized Memes

Created At

ETHGlobal San Francisco

Project Description

The app allows users to contribute their favorite memes, and in return, they can receive tokens when their memes are upvoted. The app uses Ethereum smart contracts to handle meme submissions, token rewards, and upvotes, making it fun and engaging for meme creators and voters. This serves as an initial foundation for further app development and attracting more contributions.

How it's Made

Express.js – Web framework for creating the backend API.

Web3.js – Ethereum JavaScript API for interacting with the Ethereum blockchain.

Solidity – Programming language for writing the Ethereum smart contract.

Infura or Ganache – Ethereum node provider for connecting to Ethereum (Infura for live/test networks, Ganache for local development).

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