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Decentralized Global Billboard

Advertisement is a huge sector in informatics and real world. Websites, videos, applications show lots of ads. Our "Billboard" system makes advertisement system decentralized, global, censorship resistant and do not require private or personal datas.

Decentralized Global Billboard

Created At

HackFS 2022

Winner of


🥉 Covalent — Best Use

Project Description

There are lots of advertisements systems at the moment. But they are centralized. Therefore, they can censor advertisements, they get lots of commissions and they do not care about data privacy. We have created that system to prevent that problems. Advertisements are like a loop, companies pay advertisements to get more customers. Customers are source of the money but they do not earn money because of that. With our system content creators and customers will take better proportions from the advertisement revenues. Customers can buy BBRD (Billboard Token) like a stock. BBRD is a very deflationary token because revenue distribution is %80 to content creators (in other saying ad showers or billboard showers) and %20 is burned. Unlike from the most tokens, it has real revenue source because advertisement is real and important service, hence; money in the pool will always increase. Content creators can get request from contract and by displaying ad element HTML code, they can earn money. If they do not show, there is a reporting system and reporters will report them because of not showing Billboard and their rewards will be transferred to reporters, so reporting system can work well with incentives. Ad element control APIs and Traffic Data Fetcher (it's mock now) API are determined by DAO to establish decentralization. Contract gets data with help of Chainlik API request. Advertisements are stored in IPFS system with tool. Our website get events by help of Covalent endpoint to ensure our website can be effective and fast.

How it's Made

We have used @covalent and @ipfs. IPFS ensured that we can show and upload decentralized ads. To interact with IPFS we use web3 storage. We used Covalent endpoint in getting billboard showers. Billboard showers was mapping and fetching events with covalent became very easy and efficient.

How Decentralized Global Billboard website works? There are 5 section on our website: There are a wallet connection button to connect users metamask wallet with our smart contract. Buy Ad page: Date and time selection parts allow user to pick the exact time of the ad which user's want to buy or see. Now button shows the ad which belong to this moment. There are 1440 ad part for each one minutes in the chosen day. Users can click the button which belongs to chosen ad and then they can see or buy the chosen ad if they have enough token at their wallet. To buy an ad users should upload the their ad's image. Billboards page: Total Coefficent: Total reward in pool : The number of how much token will be distrubited. Mint Tokens page: After connecting their wallet to the webiste users can mint 100BBRD to test the system (this section is only for the testing). API Propals page: This page is not ready to use. Billboard Report page: In this page user can test API's which are registered in the contract and report if any registered domain do not show advertisement and get reward.

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