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DecentralBrain is Kahoot-like quiz game on blockchain that provides you to create your quiz contracts and share it with your friends.


Created At

Circuit Breaker

Project Description

DecentralBrain DecentralBrain is Kahoot-like quiz game on blockchain that provides you to create your quiz contracts and share it with your friends.

Problem DecentralBrain has a difference you can create your quiz contract and invite your friends with contract’s address but players should pay an entryfee.In the end the player with the highest score receives the entire prize.

Normally building like these applications is difficult because of the centralized payment system but on blockchain it is possible , easy and reliable

So I built a react application works on Sepolia testnet(for now) and for backend I built quizContracts and Factorys

How it's Made

In the projects I've developed, I've achieved numerous successes by utilizing technologies and frameworks such as ReactJS, Solidity, Hardhat, and Vercel. ReactJS has been indispensable for me as a powerful library for building modern web applications. Serving as a tool to swiftly and effectively construct user interfaces, ReactJS has been a cornerstone in my projects. Additionally, working with next-generation tools like Vite has played a significant role in optimizing my development process. I've also leveraged component libraries such as ChakraUI while crafting user interfaces. These have enabled me to create aesthetically pleasing and user-friendly interfaces. For developing and testing smart contracts, I've utilized tools like Solidity and Hardhat. These technologies have been invaluable in the development of blockchain-based applications. In terms of deploying and hosting my projects, I've opted for platforms like Vercel. These platforms have allowed me to swiftly and reliably publish my applications. All these technologies and tools have not only provided me with a robust foundation but also enabled me to successfully complete my projects.

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