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decent insurance

Decentralized Insurance for gadgets, backed up by some NFTs, and Superfluid technology for smart contracts and money streams. If you back up someone you get payed by the second.

decent insurance

Created At


Winner of


🌿 Lens Protocol — API Bounty

Project Description

This project allows a customer to request for an insurance directly from an investor on the network. You value your gadget on the frontend, provide an NFT that might have some value as collateral and whenever an investor checks your proposal, they can check your lens profile and accept providing the eth to back your insurance. Customer pays monthly and the profits are sent to the investor who decided to take the risk by the second thanks to superfluid streams!

How it's Made

To create this project I scraped the Alchemy API to browse NFTs, the Superfluid smart contract templates they provided, deployed one to goerli using and interacted with the contract and streams via the dashboard and consoles that Superfluid provided!

This literally could never been possible without the superfluid tech and amazing templates they have. The contract of an NFT that streams money to owner is what powers the whole idea.

The frontend was built with react and used geist UI for the minimal UI that was built. The most impressive thing of this hack is that if you transfer the NFT token it will translate the stream to another user which is quite remarkable, but this is all on Superfluid tech.

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