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DealFile Hub

Storage deals marketplace and explorer for Filecoin. Understand Deals so you won't do a bad one.

DealFile Hub

Created At

ETHIndia 2023

Project Description

The tool helps both parties of the Filecoin storage ecosystem in the following ways:

  • Storage Deal Providers on Filecoin can view competing deals
  • Storage Deal Clients on Fielcoin can find the best deals and complete account information on a provider
  • Helps Clients pick the deal they want.


How it's Made

Understanding of Deals with regards to what user might want to see. Understanding of technical concepts and extracting usecases of that information for use of public is a very different tasks. There were also some technical hiccups while creating this project but with help of Filecoin team (available at ETHIndia) we were able to figure that out. Technical things like Lotus API and how to actually understand it and implement it.

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