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Decentralized Autonomous Television that all the members can vote for which movie they want to watch together.


Created At

ETHGlobal Istanbul

Project Description

Today on TV we cannot chose what to watch but imagine that people chose what they want to watch on TV. This projects aims to create a DAO that members can vote for a specific movie they want to watch. We call it Decentralized autonomous Television (DATV). Because like DAO's the members decide what they want to do. Idea is users choose what they want to watch with their equal voting power in IMDB Top 100 list. DAO creates a proposal autonomously and users begin to vote. After a while voting ends and proposal is being executed. Users can watch movie on the webpage.

How it's Made

Firstly, we created an react app and interact with DATV smart contract by using ethers.js library. The Owner that Smart Contract also the runner of the Server. In order to make things autonomously we get signer with MetaMask private key and Alchemy RPC. Then all regular actions like creating, executing proposal etc. can be done by server itself autonomously. Smart contract are written in Solidity. We deployed that on Polygon Mumbai testnet for a scalable and cheaper solution. The main feature of the contract is voting system. it is very similar to governence contract. Once a voting begin, there is no way to terminate that. We calculate the voting duration time by checking this condition (block.timestamp >= end_of_voting_date). For voting, users has to connect their Metamask wallet to our dapp. Then After the connection part, the member have rights to vote. . Every member has equal voting power. We love democracy. When the movie is chosen by users after a while it can be watched on the website. We are using the youtube trailers right know because of the copy rights. But if this project will be developed we can develop a sustainable solution. We are also aiming to use zkProof technology to create more private voting system.

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