Fueling the data economy with collaborative, trusted, and incentivized data creation. Post bounties, reward contributors, and store datasets on Filecoin.
Datanomy is a platform enabling individuals to post bounties, incentivizing the creation of valuable datasets and rewarding contributors with tokens. It is build upon the principles of decentralization, leveraging the capabilities of Filecoin, to ensure the security and immutability of the datasets, establishing trust and integrity in the data economy.
Users can post bounties to facilitate creation of datasets that they think would be of value. Bounty completions are incentivized with token rewards. Collected datasets are then stored on ipfs and are tokenized using erc721 contract deployed on calibaration, an evm compatible filecoin testnet.
Through this platform, we envision a future where data contributors are fairly rewarded, data consumers have access to trustworthy datasets, and the potential of data-driven technologies is fully realized.
The project is made using NextJs react framework. I’ve used MUI frontend library for the most the UI components and have deployed the project on Vercel. Used MongoDb for some data storage and prisma ORM to connect with MongoDB with NextJs app.
Created a ERC721 contract using Openzepplin library and deployed it on the Calibration testnet using remix, which can be used to tokenize the datasets. I’ve used the https://app.files.chainsafe.io/ portal to upload files to the IPFS decentralized file store.