Data marketplace with ZK proofs and staking that incentivizes users to share data
Datai is a smart contract built on Ethereum that allows users to securely submit data using zk-SNARK (zero-knowledge) proofs, while ensuring their identity remains private. The data is stored off-chain on IPFS, and the contract only stores the IPFS hash on-chain. Users are rewarded for submitting valid data, and they have the ability to revoke access to their data at any time. Additionally, the contract implements bot prevention mechanisms, such as a cooldown period between submissions and a minimum gas price requirement.
To further enhance security, the contract includes a stake mechanism. Before submitting data, users are required to deposit a stake, which is locked for a specified period. This ensures that users have a financial commitment when interacting with the contract, discouraging bots and spam. After the cooldown period, users can withdraw their stake. The combination of zk-SNARKs, IPFS storage, bot prevention, and staking creates a privacy-preserving and secure system for submitting and managing data.
This project is built using Solidity to create the smart contract that integrates zk-SNARKs for privacy-preserving proof verification. I used ZoKrates to generate the zk-SNARK circuits and corresponding verifier contracts, which allow users to prove ownership of data without revealing their identity. The data itself is stored off-chain on IPFS, with only the IPFS hash being recorded on-chain. This keeps the on-chain storage minimal and ensures the privacy of the actual data. For security, bot prevention techniques such as cooldown periods and minimum gas price requirements are implemented to limit spamming.
The project also incorporates a stake mechanism where users must lock up a certain amount of Ether before submitting data, adding an additional layer of security. ZoKrates was key in generating zk-SNARK proofs, and IPFS helps keep the contract decentralized and cost-efficient by reducing on-chain storage. The integration of these technologies creates a seamless system that balances privacy, security, and decentralization. The combination of zk-SNARKs and IPFS allowed us to build a system where users can prove data ownership without ever revealing sensitive information.