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A decentralized dataDAO platform that allows dataDAO creation and management with access control and encryption of data.


Created At

FVM Space Warp

Project Description

DataDaoVerse is the Dao tooling that enables anyone to create their own DataDAOs easily. You can create Data DAO using by providing the required information. You can also join any existing Data Dao of the platform by buying their tokens. The Data Dao will store files using Lighthouse and only Dao members will have access to it, which is also enabled using the access control provided by LightHouse. Dao members can also create meets using Huddle01.

How it's Made

The project is created with the purpose of making next-generation data DAO with ease. We have used React as a frontend and the smart contract is written in solidity and is deployed on FEVM. We are also using the storage deals API provided by Filecoin. The files are stored in Lighthouse and access control is managed by it. We are using token-gated access so only Dao members can access the proposals. Apart from that, we have used huddle01 SDK so Dao members can easily create their meetings. They can also receive notifications for meets as well if any new members join the Dao using the push Notification.

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