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Dare2Draw’s NFT Consensus: CreatorCODE

Dare2Draw is looking to introduce, mentor and empower our comic book creator community by leveraging the NFT market and introducing the creatorCODE comix NFT Consensus.

Dare2Draw’s NFT Consensus: CreatorCODE

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Project Description

Dare2Draw: What is it? Add video:

Dare2Draw is a 501(c)(3), not-for-profit, educational and cultural organization dedicated to creating and supporting mentoring and networking opportunities for cartoonists of all levels; Cultivating the awareness of and appreciation for the study of sequential art; and the furtherance and preservation of the comic book medium's contributions to literacy, art, and culture, through outreach programs, events, and projects. Encouraging good health and business practices for creators.

The hope for this creatorCODE project submission to NFTGlobal is to bridge the gap between programmers and creators. By merging the two highly creative skills - to find a common cause and help build a solid front-end and a secure back-end for this platform, with a user friendly UI for creative folks that are new to blockchain.

The D2D, conceived in 1984 and launched in 2010, has produced engaging mentoring community events ever since. Community drawing mentoring events at art schools, Museums, art institutions and organizations, Micro-comix convention, TV pilot and cable TV shows, too.

This Dare2Draw mentoring anthology project was completed but not printed.

I would like to present this Anthology as an “artifact” for a real world solution – that would be used to mentor artists (current and next the generation of creators) in the evolving NFT space.

This solution will help mentor creators to leverage the tech, to take back and have more control over what they create commercially, as we move into web 3.

Governance - strategy CreatorCODE will curate the submissions and validate the creators’ comix NFTs Using Dare2Draw rules and its mission, “Artists’ rights come first”. (Expanded Board of Control)

10% donation of each NFT sold by creators will go to a pool of art-related not-for-profits (Hero Initiative, CBLDF & D2D) 10% investment of each NFT sold by creators will go to develop and support the creatorCODE Consensus ecosystem.

KEY: Mentoring creators to the power of blockchain technology will open the door for better creator negotiations, moving forward.

Giving creators more control over the work they create. creatorCODE will release new NFT’s by creators, every week on *Wednesday Introduce our comix community and fans to the NFT marketplace Project will mentor new/old talent to the NFT market and lower entry point Creators will submit their new work to be minted and curated by D2D creatorCODE consensus validators. creatorCODE will use *licensed AI tech protocol for web3 protection of creator IP – TBD

This would be the first step in building a new creator NFT ecosystem

Thank you for your consideration -

How it's Made

As mentioned earlier, I would like to engage highly creative programmers and developers to use current protocols to build a simple and trusted NFT exchange by focusing on artist rights, first.

  • Ethereum “solidity” smart contracts ecosystem, with executable protocols, for all types of file formats such as: PDF, JPG and video and sound files.

Important: I would consult and defer to the dev and programmer on best steps to accomplish a simple framework to build on (road map).

I’m not an expert but I realize how important the actions, below, are:

Back-end dev. Smart contract protocol & deployment -

Front-end Website design (TBD) wordpress and DIVI

Security - Protocols

Transaction/Gas fees -

Web-based crypto wallet integration - MetaMask

Fiat to Crypto Exchange -



IPFS Protocols -

Storage and NODES

Proof of work to Proof of Stake -

Mining -

DeFi -

DOA digital charter -

Token Types: Barter tokens


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