A public, verifiable and trusted list of dApps across all chains.
The DAppStore is a one-stop shop for finding and verifying the best decentralized applications available across all blockchains. This is one possible implementation of an App Store, and definitely not the only one, since the registry is open and verifiable by all.
From https://docs.meroku.store/#/: The CORS policy restricts browser usage beyond *.meroku.store. This means that you can use these APIs in your backend services, but if called directly from frontend, it has to be hosted at *.meroku.store. In short, the apps wouldn't list properly on https://thedappstore.vercel.app/, the link I provided for this hackathon. Please run the repo locally to view how the store works :)
This project (dAppStore) uses the DApp Store Kit as the primary data foundation. Built with ❤️ using Typescript, HTML and CSS, and designed to be mobile-first. This is just the beginning of an open and transparent app store for the new generation. No other sponsor technologies were used.