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DAOLYTIX turns DAO proposals into humanly digestible content to empower voters make better, informed decisions


Created At

ETHSanFrancisco 2022

Winner of


🤝 Lens Protocol — Integration

Project Description

The UX journey of DAO engagement is hugely broken. To improve DAO's engagement rate and empower voters to make better educated decisions, DAOLYTIX's natural language processing capability turns DAO proposals into humanly digestible content - adding standardized category labelling (for machine learning and behavioral pattern tracking), key word sentiment analysis (parsed from discussion forums), impact assessment (financial, social, operational) and much more. We have a vision to ultimately become the infrastructure provider to integrate all the DAO votings onto the exchange / wallet apps.

How it's Made

Solidity, NewsAPI, GraphQL, ApeCoin - we started with Solidity to come up with the Idea, and evolved from corporate governance to empowering consumers on this one. Most people are enabling themselves only if they know ML. But this gives people an entryway/onramp that isn't clouded. We have built a web platform with natural language machine learning capability to diagnosis the DAO proposals for ApeCoin as a start, preparing frontend analysis based on keywords and machine learning capability. We envision it to ultimately be an infrastructure API for all DAOs to incorporate their governance protocol onto wallets.

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