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DAO Easy helps everyone to create their own tokens, token lock, multi signature wallet, DAO list and token sales in few seconds. Tokens created on DAO Easy will be verified and published on explorer websites.


Created At


Winner of

🏊‍♂️ SkillWallet — Pool Prize

Project Description

DAO Easy helps everyone to create their own tokens, token lock, multi signature wallet, DAO list and token sales in few seconds. Tokens created on DAO Easy will be verified and published on explorer websites. In all this, two questions may arise:

  1. Why would a user who generates an ERC-20 token give that token away for free? Quite simply, because a crypto project managed by a centralized group of individuals has no future and is unlikely to gain value. A crypto project must be supported by a community.

To create a community It can be a good Idea (as it happens with Airdrops), to give access to everyone the tokens generated.

  1. Why should a person buy a token? A person may be interested in buying a token because they believe in the future of the project or because they want to speculate on the price before the token is listed on the exchange.

  2. Token Lock for DAO and users

  3. DAOList –where follow different dao

  4. Goevernce

How it's Made

The technologies that I did not know and that I was able to deepen with this project are:

• React 16.8 (I had already worked with a previous versions of React).

o Hardhat (I had already worked with Truffle, but never with Hardhat),

o Github actions (in my previous job I used Jenkins).

• Next (I had previously worked with gatsby.js).

• Assemblyscript (fortunately I already had the opportunity to work with Typescript)

I am very satisfied that I was able to touch all these new technologies, although I must say that it was difficult to work with all this new knowledge in such a short time :) Besides the technical knowledge, I was able to acquire a whole series of concepts

• Next IFPs, SUperfilid, lens protocols, skill walete

related to the world of the DEFI that would have been difficult to acquire if I had not had the opportunity to work on such a complex project.

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