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programmatic cowswap orders with additional quote and price sanity checks


Created At

ETHGlobal Istanbul

Winner of

Chronicle Protocol

Chronicle Protocol - Integrate a Chronicle Oracle

Prize Pool

Project Description

perform a swap through cowswap using programmatic orders from a safe module, but only if the quote cowswap gives through their api is better than 1inch. this prevents executing swaps on cow for which a higher price is guaranteed by 1inch. additional sanity checks on the price are also performed via oracle price comparisons.

How it's Made

  • compare cowswap and 1inch swap quotes on a web2 api
  • using api3 to call api endpoint to retrieve best quote
  • only in case cowswap is best quote, use cow programmatic order to make swap
  • perform additional sanity checks on the quote using a chronicle oracle: is the api quote realistic?
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