
Bringing culture to β›“ The cultural NFT marketplace 🌎


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Project Description


This weekend, a Trinidadian-led team of software developers will be building a first-of-its-kind cultural exchange platform to distribute, tokenise, and sell digitised cultural assets as NFTs (non-fungible tokens).

While the concept of a cultural exchange platform for NFTs is unique, NFTs are quickly becoming ubiquitous and highly valued, with many already being sold for millions of dollars to people who want to own a part of the new internet. Examples include the art gallery Christie’s, NBATopShot, CryptoPunks, CryptoKitties, and Unisocks.

The platform, which will be a website to begin with, represents the intersection of technology, creativity, and culture. It will host tokenised digital assets that represent cultural icons, moments, and sentiments. These include but are not limited to art, music, clothing, sports goods, memorabilia, moments in film etc.

While this project is starting off in Trinidad and Tobago, it is built with a clear goal of becoming the leading global cultural exchange platform for NFTs.

The team, led by Trinidadian Mark Pereira, is tapping into the explosion of NFTs and cryptocurrency technology to initially showcase and monetize Trinidadian culture, creativity, and talent in a way that has never been done before.

How it's Made

This project uses the Cadence programming language to define smart contracts for our cultural tokens that are deployed to the FLOW network using the @onflow/cli. The react web app uses our NodeJS backend to interacting with the FLOW network.

This project uses the Cadence programming language to define smart contracts for our cultural tokens that are deployed to the FLOW network using the @onflow/cli. The react web app uses our NodeJS backend to interact with the FLOW network.

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