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Seamlessly integrate cryptocurrency into CRM systems to automate rewards for sales teams


Created At

ETHGlobal Brussels

Winner of

Blockscout - Best use of Blockscout Block Explorer

Prize Pool

Ethereum Foundation - Best Overall Use Case or Research with ZK Email 2nd place

Project Description

CryptoForce is here to bring the power of cryptocurrency to CRM systems, making life easier and more rewarding for sales teams. The platform automates the process of rewarding employees for their sales achievements, seamlessly integrating with tools like Salesforce.


  • CRM Integration: Currently supporting Salesforce, CryptoForce provides a seamless integration experience like any other connected app. No extra setup or integration needed from the organization’s end.

  • Employee Wallet Integration: Employees can register with their own crypto wallets or get a corporate wallet linked to their email (wallet created for a corporate email with zkEmail). This setup ensures everyone is ready to receive their rewards hassle-free.

  • Automated Reward Process: When an opportunity is in 'Review' in Salesforce, CryptoForce pushes this data on-chain, preparing the reward. All further updates will be synchronized on-chain using Chainlink functions.

After the invoice is paid and the opportunity is marked as 'Won,' an on-chain transaction is automatically triggered, sending the reward to the employee’s wallet. All calculations are performed in ETH by converting the USD amount with Chronicle price feeds.

Real-time updates and server logs offer transparency, showing how we track and reward opportunities. Base network was selected as the target net for reliability and txs speed. This keeps everyone informed and ensures the process is clear and straightforward.

How it's Made

Server Infra: used Nest.js with TypeScript to build the server infrastructure. The main challenge here was integrating Salesforce APIs with project's crypto flow. This involved catching updates in real-time and pushing relevant data on-chain. zkEmail module was implemented to set up corporate profiles for employees. Whenever a new employee is identified as the owner of an opportunity, their corporate wallet is initialized. Although there is no step-by-step flow without a frontend, the backend functions as expected, ensuring smooth operations..

Blockchain: Hardhat project, this time I tried Blockscout as RPC and Verification partner, cool experience. Main challenge for me was setting up a Chainlink function to perform JS, sync opportunity statuses and push responses on-chain for data synchronization. Finally it worked and now all can be confirmed on-chain. Also, Chronicle oracle was setup for getting actual data feed + logic for converting feat amount to eth reward.

Real challenge was to put all the components together, cause some of them I was only able to test right on a testnet:)

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