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A way to onboard users completely new to crypto, and for dapps to be able to sponsor that


Created At

ETHGlobal New York

Project Description

Users who are completely new to crypto won't have an address or ether/native token. Currently they have to both create an account and save their private key / seed phrase, and then they also need the native currency to transact. This is a major speed bump for Dapps to bring fresh users.

Account Abstraction can make a difference here by allowing the address to be calculated based on a common identifier such as email or phone number. These can be verified by simple authentication such as receiving a code, and entering the code into our dapp. This allows the new user to "claim" the contrafactual address.

Additionally, we assign a paymaster who can cover the cost of the initial transactions.

This combination of having a known address which can dapps can interact with, as well as a method to fund the transaction, is the goal of the project.

eg, if any dapp wants to send a token to a user for whom they just have an email address, then can get the contrafactual address from our app, and use that to send the token (via any usual means). The dapp would also email a link to the user, and that will take them through a brief authentication, and allow them access to the token. Henceforth the user can eg, exchange the token for some other token within CryptoEase and have the gas be paid by the sponsoring dapp.

How it's Made

We used the Biconomy SDK for generating the contrafactual address and to enable sponsored gasless transactions

Our front end is made in NextJS and we have to figure out how to do the authentication for email. Unfortunately the team members didnt have the tech background to make the front end. One team member was also sick.

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