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CryptoCurrents presents Filecoins' first ever DEX. This platform aids in storing various tokens and NFTs of value alike in a secure environment. You can swap tokens, participate in the liquidity pool and earn or simply view the latest trends of tokens in the Marketplace.


Created At

FVM Space Warp

Project Description

CryptoCurrents is Filecoins' own native DEX that supports 3 main functions.

  1. Token Swapping.
  2. Token Marketplace
  3. Staking

Filecoin users can swap their tokens in the platform to get themselves a FIL coin. This FIL coin can later be used for many activities, such as trading, transactions, staking, lending, etc.

A Token Swap occurs in the dedicated Swap page. The user needs to simply choose the token type and amount of the token and get a FIL for the same value as per conversion rates present in the market.

A token marketplace is available for users to know which tokens (and related blockchains) are doing well in the cryptomarket - you wouldn't want to miss a good conversion value, would you?

We plan to have a liquidity pool where users can stake their new FIL coins and gain interest over time. The minimum time of stake is six months. The longer you stake, the more the rewards!

Coming soon to CryptoCurrents: An NFT Marketplace for all artists and collectors alike.

How it's Made

This project is Build on Next.js and Solidity for the Backend and is deployed on Filecoin Network. It is a Decentralized Exchange For File Coin. We are also planning to add Staking features and NFT Market in our Future Version. The current Support Token Swapping and Displays Token Information.

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