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Bridging Crypto to the Physical World by creating CryptoCash with zero knowledge proof


Created At

ETHIndia 2023

Project Description

Crypto cash transforms cryptocurrency usage by eliminating the need for exchanging public keys, enhancing privacy with off-chain zero-knowledge proofs, and enabling trustless transfer and spending. It uniquely resolves the challenge of gifting cryptocurrency without revealing the recipient's identity and facilitates secure storage alongside physical assets, providing a user-friendly and efficient solution. like Gift-cards in which crypto is embeded.

  1. user can deposit funds into smart contract via different networks
  2. Can create notes(gift card) for the specified amount
  3. Can verify the amount still there or not using Noir and Azetech protocol
  4. After verification , withdrawl can be done by recipient.


How it's Made

  1. first of all we tried to use zk circuit by circom which was quite complex to integrate so we after trying for almost one day we shifted to Noir circuits in which we created the generator and verifier circuit but failed to integrate with proofs with our base project due to less time.
  2. Switching networks was quite complex as it give errors to invalid chain ids sometime when deployed to testnet while it was easier and error free on localhost.
  3. creating a note using QR with integrated proofs was quite a difficult task so it was kept as future plans for our project.
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