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The idea of the app is create a very simple UI like cashapp where you can easily send Crypto to your friends just by knowing their phone number, or username. Creating an account is simple as signing in with a verification code


Created At

ETHGlobal New York

Project Description

This app still has much development needed and is incomplete but here is what the plan. Use Biconomy and Particle to create a social login and create a Smart Account for each social login. The UI will be extremely close to cashapp and users can view their past transaction, and react to transactions with emojis where other users can see that reaction.

How it's Made

I'm still pretty new to this but this project uses Biconomy and Particle and Next.js. I originally wanted to use Biconomy Web3 Auth but it was malfunctioning so I need to figure out a way to connect smart accounts while using Particles social login. I just learned about Account Abstraction and smart contracts a few months ago so I have to back track and learn a little more about the contracts, wallets, and sending\receiving transactions.

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