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Crypto Gift Cards

A crypto Gift card having the same UX as a Google play store gift card.

Crypto Gift Cards

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Project Description

The idea is to have a gift card like experience for crypto currencies, similar to web2 gift cards like Amazon, Google Play, etc.

Currently to send someone tokens one needs to know the recipient's wallet address(This Leads to a 2-step process. first collect address then transfer). This is not a great user experience. It would be much better if one could send tokens to a recipient's email address or phone number or through other channels like Twitter(X). This is what this project aims to achieve.

How it's Made

How it works

  • a Issuer creates a contract and fills it with tokens, then sends "Gift Cards" to recipients
  • each gift Card is a secret signature by the issuer. Now anyone with a valid signature can claim the tokens. But submitting on-chain a zk-proof that they have a valid signature by the issuer.
  • the neat part is one can use any adress to redeem the Gift Card.
  • a nullifier is used to prevent double spending.


For zk, I have used circom to write circuits then used the groth16 prooving system. Used truffle to deploy contracts on the test chain(s). For front-end I am using svelte to create a simple static webpage.

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