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Cryptic is perpetual data storage, management and privacy proof multiuser eSignature Dapp


Created At

FVM Space Warp

Project Description

Cryptic have two parts one cryptic sign and cryptic vault. Cryptic sign is where admin can create agreement and can upload the agreement pdf with sign placeholder and admin will share the agreement link with the member of that agreements and members will sign those agreement. Only whitelisted members can access the link. Cryptic vault is where people can store data like pdfs, excel sheet, document files etc. And the admin can give the access of their vault to someone using nft membership. So admin can create the nft and can send those nft to different member, then who can access those uploaded files.

What problem we are solving:

  1. Currently we are using DocuSign to sign agreements digitally. But in that users personal data gets stored on the centralised database. So here we have build cryptic sign which totally decentralised. User can add agreements with sign placeholders and then can share the link with the member of that agreement. Only added whitelisted members will be able to access the link. Members will sign the agreement using that shareable link.

  2. If something happens to a person or in case of death families are not aware of a) How much crypto person is having and especially how to get access to it b) Millions of dollars worth of insurance are unclaimed because families don't know if there was any medical insurance or life insurance. c) Property will deed etc

  3. no central point of failure and censorship resistance. Currently, we store our data on Dropbox, Google Drive, etc but there are chances that someone from the internal team can access our data so we have encrypted data using SHA 256 and the encrypted hash is getting stored on IPFS

  4. Persistent storage & Perpetual storage: Physical copy of data may get lost or damaged due to any reason but data stored on IPFS and Pinned using Filecoin are totally secure and everlasting. Even if the big bang happens on earth, data on the File coin will be accessible from other planets through satellite node which Protocol Labs team is planning :)

How it's Made

For frontend we have used react js library. And for contract we have used solidity. Our contracts are deployed on Filecoin virtual Machine. For nft we are using ERC721 token. All the files with encryption we are storing on IPFS using web3 storage. We have used lighthouse for perpetual storage. We have use pdftron library for agreement signature module.

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