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Cryptea is a software that enables businesses to accept Crypto as a payment method, using Payment links and APIs.


Created At

Scaling Ethereum 2023

Project Description

Cryptea, a software that enables every business to accept crypto as a payment method, is aimed at bridging the payment gap between businesses and Web3. On Cryptea, you can create links which can be accessed publicly and can be fully customized, with the flexibility to change the template or the number of tokens you want to accept, price etc, and see analytics on every crypto received, and your APIs.

We tried our best to add features that are native to traditional web2 businesses, for easy onboarding onto the platform.

How it's Made

This product uses specific technologies, to ensure the smoothest service, for businesses to use. The technologies include a browser-based frontend built with NextJS and TypeScript as the primary languages, and TailwindCSS for styling and responsiveness. We also used libraries and packages, alongside integrations with various providers for different purposes. Some notable mentions include:

Ethersjs - For interfacing with the blockchain, and other Web3 features and utilities. IPFS: For file storage, with fantastic tools like Hardhat: For all core blockchain activities; including developing and deploying smart contracts that power up the entire application.

The payment works based on smart contracts (written in solidity) which makes sure the payment is valid on both ends (from the customer, to the business), We currently operate as a multi-chain app, with our contracts deployed and verified on various networks. This includes:

  • Gnosis Chain,

  • Taiko,

  • Scroll

  • Polygon

  • Polygon zkEVM

  • Optimism mainnet

  • Filecoin EVM - hyperspace testnet

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