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An intent-based wallet uses Circle's SDK for Account Abstraction, DEX Aggregation at the wallet level with PancakeSwap and Uniswap V4 with hooks. Multichain transfering handled with Hyperlane Warp Routes and the Pyth Oracle's Price Feeds are used for the price informations.


Created At

ETHGlobal Brussels

Project Description

The main problem we want to achieve is, users can’t do whatever they want in the best possible way in existing wallet solutions. For example, no one can use a DEX aggregator at the wallet level for the swapping transactions and furthermore. If they want to find a best path for their transaction execution they could use an intent-based or direct on-chain DEX aggregator from the web directly. What we’ve done with CrossPocket is, achieving the decreased gas at the almost near-instant transaction speeds. Also, in CrossPocket you can use a DEX aggregator at the wallet level which is improving the UX and workflow a lot. The project combines the Account Abstraction from Circle’s SDK, intent-based architecture for near-instant transaction speed and decreased gas level, DEX aggregation with an intent-based system around PancakeSwap and Uniswap at the wallet level for best UX users can ever had, and price feeds from the Pyth Oracle. Also, we’re achieving this in the multiple chains with Hyperlane’s Warp Routers’.

How it's Made

We used Solidity for the smart accounts at the backend, Hardhat and Foundry as backend developer tools, NextJS, Typescript, and TailwindCSS for the frontend, and for talking with the Pyth's Oracle Feed contract we used wagmi. We used Uniswap V4 and PancakeSwap v4 hooks for the DEX aggregation, Circle's SDK for creating an Account Abstraction wallet, Pyth's Oracle Feeds for taking the price knowledge, Hyperlane Warp Routes for being multichain, and intent-based architecture for improving the UX more in the manner of near-instant transaction speed and decreased gas.

Sepolia: Uniswap Contracts: PoolManager: 0x9C430DBdf1936AA36154e2046bb91C065Aa0107B Swap: 0x8994D977ffd78f69f39EDC51d1C130F6371f62a ModifyLiq: 0xa46ff840Dbb261e347606b3733C91c5b3bdcA65d Hyperlane Contract: 0x4491Ec83af6C71E270d3367568deAa585df49BE6

Pyth PriceFeed: 0xE6d3933790b2cfF7faD19eb68cd7627b57d46184

Fuji: Uniswap Contracts: PoolManager: 0xCaC4A3c231abB02009f63DC8A9FBbB2d6aeEaf5F Swap: 0xbEa7122477EF420ED799F2141A9A23B9386B3e7 ModifyLiq: 0xF90eeE9c75f649ea47574e10DDf1261597443E6A Hyperlane Contract: 0xDdf3F5577c2626c658CA5D6C68C5f1d69B37134e

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