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A flexible, secure crosschain unified messaging interface to with universal communication between any two EVMs


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Project Description

CrossCarat bridges the gap between EVM-based blockchains, enabling seamless and secure cross-chain communication. Instantly connect and collaborate across networks, opening new doors for decentralized innovation. Experience frictionless data exchange, tamper-proof messaging, and limitless possibilities. Unite EVM blockchains with CrossCarat.

Acknowledgement System- If the user requires an acknowledgement, it is sent from the destination chain back to the source chain

Call back function - When receiving the acknowledgement on the source chain the call back function is called which can be on any contract address and will execute any arbitrary code.

Diamond Standard - By using the diamond standard in the future any other protocol can be integrated. Right now we have integrated ChainLink CCIP, HyperLane, and LayerZero.

How it's Made

Since we wanted to integrate multiple bridge aggregators, we decided to choose EIP-2535 Diamond Standard and proceeded with its simplest example. We created a diamond contract and facet contracts to enable protocols to communicate messages from source to destination for the bridges Chainlinks CCIP, HyperLane and LayerZero using the same code. Each protocol has its own facet and more protocols can be added in the future. We coded the message passing to hold the function and its params. We created the acknowledgement based functionality. We then coded up the callback function on the source chain. Meanwhile the frontend integration on the Wrapper API which initiates the cross chain hub was being done.

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