It provides liquidity pools where users can deposit their tokens to help facilitate cross-chain swaps. In return, liquidity providers (LPs) earn passive income from a portion of the fees collected during cross-chain swaps.
Cross-Chain Swap Aggregation: HoneyFi scans multiple decentralized exchanges (DEXs) to find the best swap rates on the source chain, ensuring that users get the most value for their tokens when performing cross-chain swaps.
Multi-Chain Support: HoneyFi is deployed on several major testnets, including Bsc testnet, Polygon Amoy, Avalanche Fuji, Arbitrum Sepolia, and Scroll testnet. This multi-chain compatibility allows users to perform swaps across a wide range of blockchain ecosystems, giving them access to diverse liquidity pools.
User-Friendly Interface: HoneyFi’s platform is designed to be intuitive and easy to navigate, catering to both beginners and experienced crypto users. The process of initiating a swap is simple and straightforward, making cross-chain asset management more accessible.
Security and Reliability: HoneyFi’s integration with Equito Network ensures that all cross-chain transactions are secure. The platform is designed with reliability in mind, ensuring that swaps are executed quickly and without issues.
Transparent Fee Structure: HoneyFi’s fee structure is straightforward: only cross-chain swaps incur a small fee, and it’s a fixed 0.1% of the receiving token. This transparency fosters user trust and helps users plan their transactions efficiently.
It aggregates the best swap rates across multiple blockchains and facilitates cross-chain transactions using Equito Network's General Message Passing (GMP) protocol.
While same-chain swaps are entirely free, cross-chain swaps incur a minimal fee of just 0.1% of the receiving token. The platform is designed to prioritize user experience, allowing effortless asset transfers with minimal cost and delay.