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A platform that pays creators in crypto to use indie artists songs in their videos, and lets them share in an artists success by investing in them through album art, songs, tickets, metaverse merch, and song royalty NFTs. Artists stay independent and get noticed, paid, and funded


Created At

NFTHack 2022

Winner of

NFTHack 2022 Finalist

Project Description

Cropsin is a platform made to help unknown indie artists' pains get noticed, paid, and funded, by bridging them and Web2 creators to the power of Web3, all in an easy and smooth way.

We get artists noticed by paying creators in crypto to use indie artists' music in their web2 platforms such as TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, etc, based on their reach.

We get artists paid by allowing them to easily and cheaply create unique NFT's out of all the things they would normally get paid from in the physical world, in seconds, to sell to the creators.

  • Art NFTs (Album Artwork, Posters, etc)
  • Tickets NFTs (to shows (both to for physical and metaverse)
  • Merch NFTs ( digital merch for metaverse avatars)
  • Songs NFTS

We get artists funded by allowing them to sell NFT's that represent streaming royalties to creators on the platform.

Creators can use the token we provide them with to purchase any of these NFTs.

And once they do so, they will not only be incentivized to promote the artists because they are getting paid in crypto but also because now they have skin in the game, and the more famous an artist gets, the more valuable their NFT's and royalties they will become.

Our vision is to create a solution that easily connects the real aspects of the music world with web3 for both creators and indie artists, all in an easy and smooth matter.

How it's Made

This project has three main components:

  • Frontend

  • Backend

  • Contracts

The frontend has been made using mainly Next.js with React and Ethers.js to interact directly with the contracts.

The contracts has been built using Solidity language and OpenZeppelin suite, and the interactions, tests and deployment have been done using Hardhat and Ethers.js. The Mumbai (Polygon) node is hosted on Alchemy and we used the official Polygon faucet to feed the deployment addresses. There are two contracts: the token one called Cropsin, that is an ERC1155 (you can find the the Github README why we chose that spec), and the Marketplace one, who is in charge of listing the available tokens and make the buy/sell transaction.

With reference to the backend, it is developed using Nest.js library (Typescript) and Postgres as the DB. It connects to IPFS to upload the media uploaded by the artist that will become an NFT later. We use localStack to emulate the AWS evironment in the local machine, and nginx to serve it as HTTPS.

To manage all the processes we created a Docker container suite that we orchestrate with docker-compose

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