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Exclusive club for exclusive cricket enthusiasts


Created At

ETHIndia 2023

Project Description

It creates an exclusive community space for cricket fans through NFT ownership. By requiring ownership of these unique tokens, it ensures that only genuine fans are part of the community, fostering a more dedicated and engaged group. The use of NFTs as access tokens allows fans to participate in community polls and discussions. This helps in collective decision-making, giving members a voice in shaping the direction and activities within the community. The NFT ownership serves as a form of authentication, verifying the legitimacy of members who want to join the community. It helps in maintaining the quality and integrity of interactions within the group.

How it's Made

Testnet Token Acquisition: One significant challenge arose when we struggled to acquire testnet tokens from faucets for our smart contract deployment. Without these tokens, we couldn't adequately test the functionalities and interactions within the platform. To overcome this, we explored various forums and reached out to developer communities for guidance. Eventually, we discovered alternative ways to obtain the necessary testnet tokens, either through community grants or by utilizing different faucets that were less congested.

Deployment Across Networks: Understanding how to deploy the project onto various networks presented another obstacle. Initially, deploying to a single network seemed straightforward, but when considering compatibility across multiple networks, complexities arose. We grappled with network-specific requirements, variations in smart contract compatibility, and differences in deployment procedures. To resolve this, we extensively researched deployment methodologies and sought advice from experienced developers in the blockchain space. Eventually, we implemented a systematic approach that allowed seamless deployment across various networks by streamlining our deployment scripts and configurations.

These challenges, while daunting initially, provided invaluable learning experiences. They pushed us to explore alternative solutions, delve deeper into the blockchain ecosystem, and ultimately strengthened our understanding of decentralized applications.

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