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Revolutionizing Fantasy Cricket with Performance-Driven Investments and Pioneering the Future of Web3 Gaming!


Created At

ETHIndia 2023

Winner of

Scroll - Deploy on Scroll

Prize Pool

Project Description

Eliminating Guesswork in Fantasy Cricket: Traditional fantasy cricket platforms often rely on predictions and guesswork, leading to unpredictable outcomes for users. CricDex Solution: Introduces a groundbreaking concept of performance-driven investments, allowing users to buy shares in players based on their on-field performance, adding a strategic and skill-based element to the game.

Transforming Cricket into a Dynamic Financial Experience: Traditional fantasy cricket platforms offer a static gaming experience without a real-time connection to financial markets. CricDex Solution: Operates on a market-driven principle, where player performance directly impacts share prices, creating a dynamic fantasy cricket stock exchange. This transforms cricket into an immersive financial experience, making every match a potential game-changer for investments.

Enhancing User Onboarding to Web3: The complexity of onboarding users to Web3 technologies, hindering mass adoption. CricDex Solution: Integrates blockchain and smart contracts seamlessly, introducing users to decentralized concepts as they engage with the platform. This fosters greater understanding and comfort with Web3 technologies, contributing to the mass adoption of decentralized applications. Showcasing Web3 Potential in Sports and Gaming:

Limited examples of practical and compelling use cases for Web3 technologies in the sports and gaming sector. CricDex Solution: Positions itself as a trailblazer by showcasing the potential of decentralized applications, enhancing transparency, security, and user engagement. This not only attracts users but also garners industry recognition, fueling positive momentum for Web3 technologies.


How it's Made

Oracle Implementation: Challenge: One of the primary challenges during the development of CricDex was the integration of a reliable and efficient oracle. The oracle, crucial for fetching real-time data about player performances, proved to be complex due to the dynamic nature of cricket matches.

Resolution: Recognizing the time constraints of the hackathon, a strategic decision was made to prioritize other core functionalities over the oracle implementation. The team opted to address this critical component in a post-hackathon phase, ensuring that the immediate focus remained on building a functional and demonstrable Minimum Viable Product (MVP).

MVP Creation for Demonstration: Challenge: Building a functional MVP within the limited timeframe demanded careful prioritization of features. The challenge was to strike a balance between demonstrating the core functionalities of CricDex and ensuring a stable and bug-free presentation.

Resolution: Following a minimum viable product approach, the team focused on essential features such as player share trading, real-time portfolio updates, and basic market dynamics. Rigorous testing and continuous integration practices were implemented to identify and resolve bugs swiftly, ensuring a smooth and reliable demonstration.

Enhancing User Experience: Challenge: Crafting an engaging and intuitive user experience within the limitations of time and resources presented a multifaceted challenge. The goal was to strike a balance between the complexities of financial market dynamics and the excitement inherent in fantasy cricket, all while ensuring accessibility for a diverse user base.

Resolution: Embracing a lean and iterative design approach, the team concentrated on the core features that would effectively showcase the unique selling points of CricDex. Continuous feedback loops were established early in the development process, allowing for ongoing improvements based on the evolving needs and preferences of potential users

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