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Express user's Discord activeness on-chain through Ceramic, leveraging the technology of DID session to create data availability while preserving user's ownership


Created At

ETHOnline 2022

Project Description

Right now, on-chain transaction is surrounding ownership of financial assets. Beyond financial assets, we believe communal reputation is going to be an important asset that web3 users would express on-chain.

TO CREATE a layer of permissionless reputation, we would:

--- enable member of a community to express their off-chain activity on-chain

--- enable a community to design a reputation framework that can be executed right away through our on-chain data provision SDK.

IN THIS HACKATHON we are building on the first goal, by first integrating user's discord activeness with Ceramic, using Decentralized Identifier(DID).


--- UX: User would lose their discord level, or role once they leave the discord; (with most of the bot) they cant bind different address(es) to the same account.

--- Community: Discord Server is owned by an individual, community have no way to tap into the data in terms of role(s), level and reputation.


--- UX - Our bot could sync back user's profile from on-chain whenever they rejoin the server. User could also switch to other discord accounts by re-binding the address he/she owns to the new account.

--- Community - role status and role assignment within a community becomes a transparent implementation that fully in sync with on-chain data in Ceramic. Community as a whole can make update to their reputation parameter (role assignment ladder in the case of discord) and execute it just like switching a schema :)

How it's Made

Optimism: we didnt use anything from optimism yet but we love them and wanna build our smart contract layer / token layer on optimism in future.

Discord: as the deliverable exists as a discord bot, We leverage discord bot heavily. We use many discord API, in terms of channel monitory, role assignment, message_trigger, external_command etc. More on our description of our repo.

Ceramic on IFPS: We pick Ceramic as our storage layer as they have cutting-edge Decentralized Identifier(DID) service. We use DID-session to enable an automated update of user's data on-chain; without compromising user's ownership. with DID, user can revoke his authorization anytime. The Ceramic version control is also essential in recovering correct data in any cases.

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