Creds Protocol

Creds-Protocol is a Zero-Knowledge Identity Layer on Filecoin Network

Creds Protocol

Created At

FVM Space Warp

Winner of

🛠 Filecoin & IPFS — 🥇 Discovery Tools

Project Description

Creds-Protocol is a digital identity infrastructure for developers and partners built on the open source Semaphore Protocol, the circom language and zk toolkit. The architecture of Creds Protocol is laid on the Semaphore layer, that is, modified semaphore contracts and modules for generation of Identity and zk proof. The Off chain, JavaScript libraries is used to create identities and generate proofs. Whereas onchain the cred issuance and verification is done via Creds Identity related Contracts. Zero knowledge proofs may be useful for organizations to obtain proof of identity without revealing SP identity.

How it's Made

It is built on Semaphore Protocol. The architecture of Creds Protocol is laid on the Semaphore layer, that is, modified semaphore contracts and modules for generation of Identity and zk proof. The contracts are deployed on Hyperspace Testnet for FVM. It uses on-chain Creds Protocol core contracts and off-chain JavaScript libraries based on Semaphore protocol

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