User Interface for verifying on-chain issued Cred Tokens in person.
Cred Portal is a front-end integration with Cali-Creds, which utilizes the California Mobile Driver's License and Succinct's SP1 to generate ZK Proofs of identity attestations, which can be turned into on-chain nft-like tokens, or Creds. The app is a user friendly look into these on-chain credentials, with the ability to provide in-person confirmation of credential ownership by leveraging Coinbase's Smart Wallet.
The project leverages On-Chain issued Cali Creds, issued using ZK proofs with Succinct's SP1 as well as Coinbase's Smart Wallet SDK to allow for easy proof of account ownership from users. It was a bit of a challenge to get the SDK to work properly with the framework I chose, Next.js, but in the end I was able to make it work.