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Your social voice, valued in NFT


Created At

ETHIndia 2023

Project Description

The CRAAWARD awards protocol addresses a crucial issue in the social media landscape: the need for deeper, more meaningful engagement among an audience of over 207 million content creators worldwide. This first of a kind innovative system utilizes blockchain technology to allow creators to reward the most engaging comments based on the likes received for their posts with unique NFTs, minted and deployed on Polygon. This approach not only incentivizes quality audience interaction but also provides tangible recognition for contributions, something traditional engagement metrics like likes and shares fail to offer.

These NFTs serve as verifiable proof of audience participation, adding value to each interaction and fostering a sense of accomplishment among followers. By directly rewarding the most interacted comments, CRAAWARD encourages a higher level of discourse, enhancing the overall quality of engagement on social media platforms.

Moreover, this protocol taps into the vast potential of the Web3 community. By integrating NFTs into social media engagement, CRAAWARD bridges the gap between a large audience and the ever growing world of blockchain technology, thereby bringing more visibility and interest to the Web3 space.

CRAAWARD not only simplifies the process of rewarding audience engagement but also elevates it, making it more meaningful and impactful. It's a strategic tool that transforms the dynamics of online interactions, making them more rewarding for both creators and their audience, and enriching the digital experience in the rapidly evolving social media ecosystem.


How it's Made

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