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full-stack Ethereum Dapp Boilerplate ( ETH -BSC -POLY -AVL ..)


Created At

HackFS 2022

Project Description

Full-stack ethereum-boilerplate Dapp Boilerplate. cross chain platform : after cloning: yarn install - yarn start. it works with any EVM system. Is built on react-moralis. by using Gitpod as code editor. It make easy to use the code.

How it's Made

fork from ethereum-boilerplate: Tried to handle NPM, YARN issue.. could't build ( yarn build ) to start hosting my Dapp, some react issue as well. It's a complete web3 Dapp ( NFT - DEX- WALLET -CONTRACT ) It take a lot of time .. to fix some back-end bug, in additional to creating a Build folder to host the Dapp.

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