Dynamic NFT that changes data and visualization based on Chainlink oracles
This project takes the Chainlink price feed for ETH : USD and calculates a price at time of minting an NFT and then reads the price again at the time the NFT is viewed on OpenSea. The goal was to demonstrate how the underlying image URI can change based on some external feed. In the future, we hope to demonstrate that NFTs can be animated in this way, too.
We used solidity for the contracts, hardhat for development, and Chainlink for the oracle data feed. This project takes the Chainlink price feed for ETH : USD and calculates a price at time of minting an NFT and then reads the price again at the time the NFT is viewed on OpenSea. If the percentage of change in price is between 0-10% then it shows one graphic, if 10-40% it shows a second graphic, and so on. The purpose of the graphic was to demonstrate a dynamic NFT that is completely on-chain and leveraging an oracle data feed.