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Coupon.Dog: Web 3 meets modern coupons & in-store balances! ๐Ÿถ #OP-enabled & user-first. Bridging the next billion to a world of digital value. ๐ŸŒ๐Ÿ’ธ #NextGenSavings

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Winner of

๐Ÿงž Worldcoin โ€” Most Creative

Project Description

Coupon.Dog is a revolutionary platform designed to bring efficiency and convenience to the world of coupons and in-store balances. Addressing both the challenges posed by traditional paper coupons and digital alternatives, our platform:

  • Enables businesses to precisely target their desired audience and exercise granular control over coupon characteristics, such as transferability.
  • Modernizes the coupon experience with Web 3 technology, ensuring authenticity, eliminating the possibility of one person claiming multiple coupons, and facilitating easy gifting.
  • Offers a standard solution for digital cards, consolidating multiple gift card, loyalty, reward, and prepaid in-store balances under one umbrella.
  • Targets an audience primarily comprising individuals aged 20 to 40, especially those loyal to local businesses and cafes, who appreciate the convenience of digital solutions without the hassle of cash or multiple apps.
  • Envisions a future where loyalty cards, coupons, and more exist in a secure yet recoverable mobile wallet that operates seamlessly online and offline.

How it's Made

Crafted using a blend of TypeScript and Solidity, Coupon.Dog operates as a NextJS web application and is open-source to avoid vendor lock-in. Web 3.0 is at the core of our operations:

  • The Safe Core SDK/auth streamlines user onboarding, eliminating the need for knowledge about web 3 wallets.
  • Ethereum Attestation Service, in tandem with IPFS storage, governs the platform's social integrations, ensuring users control over coupon receipt and ensuring zero spam.
  • Coupons are designed following the ERC-721 standard, while in-store balances adhere to ERC-20.
  • WorldID, especially its Anonymous Actions, offers robust solutions for proof of humanity or uniqueness, with ZK proofs validated via IPFS.
  • Our platform thrives on the OP chain for most computations, but leverages Zora chain for NFT coupons and Base chain for scalable in-store balances. Layer Zero technology empowers the interchain messaging, ensuring fluid interoperability.
  • Navigating the complexities of Web 3.0, our prime challenge was ensuring ease of use. By abstracting most web 3 components and managing gas efficiently, we've created a user-first experience in the often intimidating world of decentralized applications.
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