
An app to share videos that are published on Polygon. This means it cannot be taken down.


Created At

Road to Web3

Project Description

This dapp is heavily influenced by tutorials in the web3 space. Since this is my first ever web3 app, as well as programming in Solidity, it means I needed a lot of help. I started by using the information and tutorials as a way to set me up to build an app myself. I soon realized I did not have enough time, and therefore reluctantly decided to use more tutorial and open sourced code for reference.

How it's Made

The app is made with React as the web framework. It also uses Bootstrap for styling, as well as some custom CSS styling for making the borders, margin, ect. to spec. The App is published on the Mumbai testnet, so it is NOT on the mainnet of Polygon. The videos uploaded on the site are hashed and then stored on chain. This does mean higher gas fees but is worth it because it is censorship resistant.

background image mobile

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