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Copy Farming

Copy yield farming traders automatically and get returns from now

Copy Farming

Created At

Superhack 2024

Project Description

This project is a full descentralized app to let the users earn money copying the best crypto investors. We want all the people benefits from the crypto market and combat the inflation.
The website let the users to log in using their social accounts, see all available Vaults (Investment Opportunities)

How it's Made

The FrontEnd stack is built using Next JS, we based on the Scaffold ETH. We use SourceGraph from Uniswap to calculate the current profits, ThirdWeb SDK to let the non crypto users can use the app and uses Wagmi to communicate with the Smart Contract.

The SmartContract was built using solidity and here we have all the business logic related to the Investments. Here we created Investors, Vaults and have all the available methods to make this app fully descentralized.

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