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Convoia - Interoperable Web3 Chat

Convoia: An Interoperable Web3 Chat NFT Oasis! Discover, Connect & Engage with NFT owners through seamless XMTP-powered searches, private messaging, group chats & AirStack security based on Blockchain

Convoia - Interoperable Web3 Chat

Created At

ETHIndia 2023

Project Description

Welcome to Convoia, the revolutionary app that brings NFT collectors and Web3 Enthusiast together on a secure and decentralized platform. With our technology stack utilizing XMTP, AirStack, Polygon, Ethereum and Arbitrum(Convoia-Bot), we are redefining how people chat on a regular chatting app like Whatsapp, Telegram and Instagram also we are rechanging the searching for NFTs and to help connect with their owners. This can be for anywhere from digital land, ENS domains, digital art or profile picture NFT projects. Get ready to embark on an immersive journey where creativity, community, and communication converge!

Key Features:

  1. Decentralized Chat: With apps built with XMTP, each user gets an interoperable inbox. This inbox provides access to all of the XMTP messages you’ve exchanged, regardless of the app used to create the message. For example, this means that you and a friend can each use your own preferred app to exchange messages and share ton's of data.

For example, you might prefer using Messenger but need to use WhatsApp to message your dad and Telegram to message your best friend because they don’t use Messenger. On top of this, even if you all agreed to align on using the same app, the two people who agreed to change apps would lose access to their existing messages and contacts.

If Messenger, Telegram, and WhatsApp were built with XMTP, everyone could use their preferred app. You could use Messenger to message your dad on WhatsApp and your friend on Telegram. And one day, if you all decide to use the same app, you could do so seamlessly with all your messages and contacts available in your interoperable inboxes. With XMTP, you own and control your messages and are always free to use the app that best suits your needs.

  1. Seamless NFT Search: Convoia leverages the power of XMTP to provide a smooth and lightning-fast NFT discovery experience. Easily find NFTs from Ethereum & Polygon with text based commands, all within a user-friendly interface.


How it's Made

  1. Hosting Convoia-Bot: The backbone of Convoia's NFT discovery feature, the Convoia-Bot, faced hosting challenges during the hackathon. Integrating a decentralized bot into the platform required a reliable hosting solution. Conventional hosting services often proved incompatible with the decentralized nature of the app, prompting the team to explore unconventional avenues.

  2. Domain Acquisition: Obtaining a domain for Convoia-Bot posed a significant challenge. Traditional domain registration processes were not seamlessly aligned with the decentralized ethos of the platform. Navigating the intricacies of decentralized domain systems, such as ENS domains, became a crucial part of the journey.

  3. Interoperability Implementation: Developing a decentralized chat application using XMTP raised issues related to interoperability. Integrating XMTP into existing popular messaging apps like Messenger, WhatsApp, and Telegram required meticulous planning to overcome resistance from users accustomed to centralized solutions. The challenge was not only technical but also user adoption- oriented.

  4. Hackathon Time Constraints: The pressure of a hackathon timeline added an additional layer of complexity. Balancing the need for quick development and robust solutions meant that the team had to make strategic decisions about prioritizing features, testing, and deployments.

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