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ConvoBridge is bridging the gap between on-chain voting and off-chain discussion in DAO governance. By creating an on-chain governance forum, that integrates on-chain proposal data: we are creating a user experience that provides clarity to the DAO proposal process.


Created At


Winner of


🏊‍♂️ Worldcoin — Pool Prize


🌿 Lens Protocol — API Bounty

Project Description

We created an on-chain platform that hosts discussion about DAO proposals. The platform improves upon existing governance forums by integrating discussions about proposals with the on-chain proposal data. We saw a disconnect where new users couldn’t contextualize forum discussions: when in the discussion was the final proposal made, had this been proposed before. Building upon contextualizing the proposal, DAO forum discussions are also given context about the DAO members themselves: how many tokens each poster has, how many votes are delegated to them, if they have passed proposals in the past, even linking their lens profile. Users can then put each post in context: has this person historically been active, is this person posting a large delegate. This is all in an effort to make understanding discussion around a governance proposal more accessible to the average participant: providing context to allow them to make the most informed decision.

Additionally, by bringing the governance forum on-chain, we integrated with multiple on-chain social and sybil verification tools. By integrating lens profiles we can easily link a user’s lens social profiles such as Lenster. Additionally, we added a check to notify users if an account has verified their lens profile with Worldcoin. We believe these tools make for more informed governance delegation: users can easily view a potential delegate's social postings as well as be sure they are a unique human before delegating.

By documenting governance forum participation on-chain with Lens we open up the door to a multitude of improvements upon token-based governance. Applications can leverage data about a user's participation on a forum to design distribution of governance power for example, or airdrop rewards: all thanks to this data being brought on-chain. Additionally, Lens arbitrary follow logic allows DAOs to use “following” as a customizable “verified” check. In our presentation we provide an example mock-up of a lens follow module which checks if a user has successfully passed a proposal in a DAO. If they have, we imagine they could get a “DAO verified checkmark” to increase the ease of access to information.

How it's Made

Our governance forum was built with React. We pull data about the DAO, proposals, and voting power of users using the Open Zeppelin Governor contract ABI to populate our front-end. We use the Lens API to authenticate a user’s lens_id. We then use a user’s lens_id to check if a user’s lens profile is Worldcoin verified using the polygon deployment of the Lens <> Worldcoin VerifyHuman contract.

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