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Contract Simplifier

Where Smart Contracts Speak Your Language, Breaking the Code Barrier with Clarity and Simplicity

Contract Simplifier

Created At

ETHIndia 2023

Project Description

The problem Contract Simplifier Solves

Sectional Code Clarity: While existing block explorers merely spill out the underlying ABI architecture, Contract Simplifier takes it a step further. We intelligently divide the code into sections, transforming it into a comprehensible narrative that's easy to read and understand.

Multi Chain Compatibility: Contract Humanizer takes the lead with unparalleled versatility. While other tools confine themselves to a single chain, our product goes beyond limitations, proudly supporting not just one, but an array of chains like Ethereum, Base, zkEVM, Polygon and more to come.

Non-Dev-Friendly Explanations: Most block explorer outputs often resemble cryptic data to non-developers, creating a significant barrier. Our product bridges this gap by providing plain English explanations for each part of the code. Say goodbye to confusion; Contract Simplifier speaks your language.


How it's Made

When retrieving contracts and ABI data, we encountered unstructured data. To overcome this challenge, we implemented a workaround to organize and structure the data effectively

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