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Consistency Space

Check-in activity, inspire followers and get motivated with your friends

Consistency Space

Created At


Winner of

🏊 Mode — Prize Pool

Project Description

🏔️ It's an app where you can check in your activity like on GitHub, follow your friends, and motivate each other with your ability to be consistent in reaching your goals.

⭐ It's an app where influencers can show their real consistency, not just talk about it. And building their own onchain reputation that way.

❤️ And it's a perfect app for fans of tracking and decentralized data.

How it's Made

To build this project, I used:

1️⃣ Zora and Mode networks for storing smart contracts that allow people to create and manage their activities and profiles in the form of tokens.

2️⃣ And Ethereum Attestation Service to store activity check-ins made by users.

3️⃣ Hardhat, Next.js, Solidity, TypeScript.

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