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Fostering genuine Connections through incentivization


Created At

ETHIndia 2023

Winner of

Scroll - Deploy on Scroll

Prize Pool

Project Description

The problem it solves

Building connections is hard, and modern dating apps and social media has made it even more harder to obtain genuine connections, extractive business models have led to users spending without a definitive goal or guarantee on the platforms. Further, people are not incentivised to provide a chance to their connection requests. Spams and Frauds are also a common feat in modern dating apps.

Collections introduces a brand new perspective to building genuine connections. It helps people obtain a fair chance by staking some amount and allowing the receiver the benefit of a reward in return for the opportunity.

People who buy a plus subscription can also set a custom price to provide mentorship and feedback to users.

Connections also plans to implement the latest technologies to improve spam, fraud and verification.


How it's Made

We ran into several challenges especially on while integrating multiple sponsors.

First challenge was finding an onramp provider, every provider in the market wanted a register business, but we didn't want to compromise on the quality and hence mocked the entire flow using UPI constructs and still providing a seamless flow

We are using Base and Paymaster to provide gaseless experience to users. But, chainlink automation, which was required for our contract was not supported. Hence overcame this by splitting up the logic and managing the logic of different functions through the frontend UI.

We also had a ton of other issues integrating LightHouse SDK and Push, as most of them do not have a proper support for react native, but we did not want to compromise on providing a mobile experience and hence stored the data on and XMTP instead.

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