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Confi is a platform that helps sexual assault victims remain anonymous.


Created At

ETHSanFrancisco 2022

Winner of

❤️ XMTP — Honorable Mention

Project Description

Currently, when victims of sexual assault report a case they have to approach the title IX coordinator at their respective University. In most cases the victim is fearful of being known, and this will actually deter some victims from reporting their situation to anyone. Confi, which is a play of Confianza (confidence in spanish), is the platform that will support women in giving them the reassurance they need to be able to take that next step and submit the report. Confi offers a anonymity for the victim, which encourages them to submit their report. The report is then sent to 3 specialized social workers that would then make an opinion on whether or not the case is valid. From there a validated report (true claim) is established on chain and is then used by the Department of Education to evaluate if a University is compliant with Title IX.

How it's Made

This project uses Polygon ID to give students an anonymous ID. From there, the student is able to use that ID on our platform will use XMTP to prompt the student to fill out a report. XMTP is the platform we use the push the report to the social workers who will be reviewing the case. The social workers are accredited via Unlock, where they are issued a unique NFT that puts them in our database. From our database, we will choose 3 random social workers to review a case. Once 3 social workers are chosen, they are sent the report to review via XMTP. They will then give their vote, and if a case is valid (proven to be true based off the student's evidence and statement). The valid report is then stored on Cartesi. The report will be shown to the Title IX coordinator at the University who will take the necessary action steps that are mandated by Department of Education.

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