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Event app with staking mechanism for registrations in order prevent no showups


Created At

ETHGlobal Bangkok

Winner of

Cartesi - Build a dApp using Cartesi Rollups 2nd place

Chronicle Protocol - Best Integration of Chronicle Oracles 3rd place

Project Description

Commit is na event platform, like Luma but with staking as an application mechanism for events. If you show up at the event, your stake is returned. No show up, no stake back. No more 1400 applications and 10 attendees. Slashed stakes are later used to funding public goods which will be done in funding rounds, voted by the governance community like gitcoin for example...

How it's Made

This project uses Cartesi Rollup as a backend to store events. Staking contracts are depolyed to Sepolia, Base Sepolia, Flow Testnet and Morph Testnet. We use Chronicle oracle to fetch ETH Price as staking amount is set in dollars upon event creation and is paid in ETH by users. We use Dynamic to handle signups and user logins. ENS is used to enhance UX. We created a subgraph of our own to track event registrations, that is staking events.

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