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Come to my funeral

Our Ethereum hackathon project, tackles a sensitive but crucial issue: ensuring that your savings are properly distributed to your loved ones after you pass away.

Come to my funeral

Created At

ETHGlobal Brussels

Winner of

Blockscout - Best use of Blockscout Block Explorer

Prize Pool

Project Description

  1. Assigning a "Dead Moderator" Functionality: Choose a trusted friend or family member to act as your "Dead Moderator." This person has the solemn duty of confirming your departure from this world. Description: "Select your trusted ‘Dead Moderator’—because nothing says ‘I trust you’ like assigning someone to declare you officially deceased. This chosen one will trigger a smart contract that sets off the chain of events ensuring your financial legacy is handled. Think of it as giving someone the keys to your posthumous kingdom!"

  2. Triggering the Death Announcement Functionality: Upon your death, the "Dead Moderator" activates a smart contract that informs the blockchain and your designated recipients. Description: "When you kick the bucket, your ‘Dead Moderator’ will press the big red button—well, it’s not actually red, but you get the idea. This triggers a smart contract that spreads the word (on the blockchain) that you've shuffled off this mortal coil. No telegrams needed here!"

  3. The Grace Period Timer Functionality: After the death announcement is triggered, a timer allows for the possibility of false alarms to be addressed. Description: "Oops, false alarm! In case your ‘Dead Moderator’ got trigger-happy, there's a built-in timer giving you a window to say, ‘I’m not dead yet!’ If you’re alive and kicking, you can cancel the death announcement before it’s too late."

  4. Creating a Whitelist Functionality: Set up a list of lucky individuals who will receive specified amounts of your tokens. Description: "Compile your VIP list! As the wallet owner, you can create a whitelist of folks who will inherit your crypto treasures. Specify who gets what—whether it’s your best friend, your sibling, or even your favorite barista. Spread the wealth with personalized allocations!"

  5. Setting Up a Blacklist Functionality: Exclude certain individuals from receiving any of your tokens. Description: "Not everyone makes the cut. Create a blacklist of those who definitely won’t be getting their hands on your tokens. Exes, frenemies, or that annoying colleague—ensure they stay far away from your crypto riches."

  6. Assigning Tokens and Goodbye Messages Functionality: For each wallet on the whitelist, assign specific tokens or amounts and attach a heartfelt (or cheeky) goodbye message. Description: "Parting is such sweet sorrow. Assign specific tokens and amounts to each wallet on your whitelist, and leave them a special goodbye message. Whether it’s heartfelt words of wisdom or a witty one-liner, your legacy will live on with a personal touch."

  7. The QR Code Funeral Finale Functionality: If the death is confirmed, a QR code is generated and must be scanned at the funeral to receive the tokens. Description: "Here’s where it gets high-tech. Once your ‘Dead Moderator’ confirms your passing, a QR code is generated. Print this code and attach it to your coffin—yes, you read that right. Mourners will scan the QR code at your funeral, sign a transaction with their wallets, and voila! The smart contract verifies their identity and sends them their assigned tokens. It’s like a final parting gift, with a touch of crypto magic!"

How it's Made

The app uses NextJS to setup a smart contract. The testament creator connects wallet, deploys the contract and mints an NFT, which provides admin access to their chosen friend/relative. The friend/relative may interact with the smart contract to pronounce the testament creator dead and initiate a funeral by a report feature. Once funeral is initiated, attendees may see messages the testament creator left and claim their will using the smart contract.

Wallet connect:

  • Metamask
  • Coinbase

The smart contract is deployed on the following chains:

  • Linea Goerli
  • Arbitrum Sepolia
  • Zircuit Testnet
  • Inco Goerly

Additional integrations:

  • Zerion API to get wallet assets balance
  • Blockscout API to get wallet transactions list
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