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We are a tool that all creators with limited resources, time and skills dreamed of. It is where corporates find next big thing media, let an idea develop through collab and people get paid in various rewards such as NFT/token/credits.


Created At

ETHOnline 2024

Winner of

Kinto - Best Kinto App Overall

Project Description

Collab X is a platform that saves artists and dreamers with lack of time, skill or equipment by social networks and instant crowdfunding solution. Here people can read, post and recruit people to collab on their project and share ownership, to share the revenue. We built this on Kinto App on L2, and used Gabriel for demo for AI editor and agent system.

How it's Made

Project is made with 5 developers, we used Solidity, React (typescript) and Tailwind framework to build on top of Kinto API, calling Galadriel to generate AI images. Other tech used: foundry , open zeppelin, lighthouse, and for images we also utilized Midjourney, LeonardoAI, editing tool and for design Figma.

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