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Fortifying Code Integrity with Zero Knowledge Proof


Created At

ETHIndia 2023

Project Description

CodeSafe aims to Revolutionize Code Verification and Work Trust in Development

Privacy-Preserving Code Verification

Traditional code review processes often involve exposing sensitive code details, raising privacy concerns for developers. CodeSafe employs Interactive Zero Knowledge Proof (ZKP) to enable project managers to verify code integrity without directly inspecting the code. This ensures developers' privacy is respected.

Secure & Efficient Workflow

CodeSafe streamlines code verification, providing an interactive and efficient approach for project managers. By leveraging ZKP, it ensures the integrity and quality of code without exposing the entire codebase. This not only accelerates development cycles but also minimizes the risk of unintentional information exposure during the verification process.

Trustless Work Verification for Project Managers

CodeSafe goes beyond code verification, introducing trustless work verification for freelancers. It utilizes non-interactive Zero-Knowledge mechanisms to dynamically evaluate and verify a developer's work without revealing the actual work details. This groundbreaking approach establishes an unshakable foundation of trust and security for both clients and freelancers, ensuring that payments are only disbursed upon successful and rigorous task completion.

Aadhar Verification for Project Authenticity

To further enhance project authenticity, CodeSafe integrates Aadhar verification, ensuring that both the user and the project manager are verified. This additional layer of verification minimizes the risk of fake projects, adding an extra level of trust to the software development process.

Quadratic Voting for Developer Feedback

CodeSafe introduces Quadratic Voting, allowing developers to vote for projects they have completed based on their satisfaction. This unique feature assigns increasing weight to votes, promoting a fair and reflective assessment.


How it's Made

Establishing Complete Trustlessness:

One of the most significant challenges was creating a truly trustless network where the project manager has no centralized control. We had to design and implement non-interactive Zero-Knowledge mechanisms and smart contracts to ensure that payments are only released when work is successfully verified, removing the need for intermediaries and central authority.

Executing the code using ChainLink Functions

During my experience with Chainlink, I encountered challenges related to the complexity of configuring Chainlink functions. The configuration process appeared intricate, requiring a significant investment of time—around 2-3 hours—to navigate. It became apparent that the documentation had some issues, contributing to the initial complexity. Despite these challenges, I persevered to understand and address the configuration intricacies. This experience underscores the importance of user-friendly documentation to facilitate a smoother onboarding process for developers.

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