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Earn from contributing opensource projects or Stake opensource projects


Created At

ETHIndia 2023

Winner of

Scroll - Deploy on Scroll

Prize Pool

Project Description

Incentivizing Contribution: Many open-source projects rely on volunteer contributions. Offering financial incentives or rewards can motivate more developers to contribute, leading to the enhancement and growth of these projects.

Financial Support for Projects: By allowing individuals to stake in open-source projects, it could provide a funding mechanism. Staking often involves locking up a certain amount of cryptocurrency or tokens to support the network; this financial backing could ensure the sustainability and development of these projects.

Community Engagement: Creating a platform for earning from contributions could attract a wider range of contributors, fostering a more diverse and engaged community around open-source projects.

Encouraging Quality Contributions: Incentivization might encourage developers to focus on quality rather than quantity, potentially leading to more impactful contributions to open-source projects.

Sustainability: Open-source projects often struggle with sustainability. Codek's model might provide a way for projects to achieve financial stability, reducing reliance on sporadic donations or uncertain funding sources.


How it's Made

Implementing the tracks and designing the architecture for the application are major tasks. Apart from implementing the sponsored tracks, we also need to develop the application, contracts, and build the SDK to track commits from GitHub repositories.

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